“There are only two kinds of people in Washington D.C. Those who want to help Trump save the world,...
Will we ever know the truth about the results from the upcoming 2020 election? That’s almost like saying will...
At first, I thought it was another National Enquirer tabloid style headline mocking the Pope. But then, I remember feeling...
“The crime that pays is the crime you can pay for the consequences to go away.” "It's just bidness."...
Yesterday was the 33rd anniversary of Black Monday – October 19, 1987 – when the DOW crashed 22.6% in one...
In 1929, Joseph Kennedy decided to sell all of his stocks and get out of the market after a shoe...
When You Have Hope in the Future…You Have Power in the Present. Conversely, when you have no hope in...
The real conspirators pulling the strings behind the curtain need Biden to win. Why? This is all about the Great...
The Wall Street muckety mucks said – earlier this week – that the huge surge in stocks was the...
The Mask Vigilantes Globalists seeking control over your life want you to believe that you must wear a mask...