The Wokesters are coming after James Bond…literally (pun intended).
According to The Telegraph, “sensitivity readers” are hired to scour the original James Bond books to look for and remove any ‘outdated’ content including ‘racist’ and ‘sexist’ comments.
Sensitivity Readers?
Supposedly the “Sensitivity Readers” will insert – ready for this? – a trigger warning notifying readers that they may find some of the storylines hurt their feelings.
We’d like to know who determines what is “offensive, sexist, racist, etc.”
Allow us to take a wild guess at some of those “triggers”:
- The infamous 007/Bond is a straight white man
- Who likes to fraternize with multiple women at any one time
- Drinks heavily
- Oozes testosterone
- And Bond represents the epitome of the so-called “Toxic Masculinity”
Orwellians Out to Destroy James Bond
We also wonder how these “Woke Orwellians” will change the names of some of the famous Bond women:
- Will Pussy Galore become Kitty Galore?
- Octopussy becomes Octokitty?
- What About Honey Ryder?
- Plenty O’Toole?
- Holly Goodhead?
- Xenia Onatopp to Onabottom?
Just to name a few LOL!
What’s really funny about this it how the woke Orwellians just can’t give up on this madness.
Meanwhile their idiot publishers – catering to their sensitivity demands – continue to saw off the branch they sit upon.
But the reality is they live by Clown World Rules.
Example: A drag queen story time for 6-year-olds is fine but alpha male action adventure with red blooded hetero sex for adults is out.
And What About 007 Bad Guys?
We shudder to think what the ‘sensitivity readers’ will do about rewriting the 007 Bad Guys.
But it’s probably safe to say that – in order to not offend someone’s feeeelllllwwwings – the Bond Bad Guys will be required to undergo lots of ‘sensitivity training’ before attempting to destroy the world.
Maybe this is all because the thought of a macho hero type doesn’t exist in the movies anymore.
Or Maybe it’s because people are getting used to seeing comedians (Cough! Zelensky, Cough! Cough!) being substituted for real heroes.
Or Maybe, JUST MAYBE, the push to digitize/censor/re-write all books will allow for entire history to be rewritten…just like Orwell said.
The bottom line?
These fools will all eventually be “Shaken not Stirred.”
Learn how to stay on the right side of history (HERE) before they re-write 1984.
And share this with a friend…especially if they’re a James Bond fan.
They’ll thank YOU later.
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