In case you missed it, our former Resident Brandon committed his final act of corruption by preemptively pardoning Anthony Fauci, General Milley, Liz Cheney, Adam Schiff, and the entire J6 committee in the final hours of his horrific presidency.
Oh, and let’s not forget his family members:
And while Trump fans cry “FOUL” … “This is Unconstitutional,” “How can he get away with this?” we prefer to ask the question:
What crimes did they commit to get pardoned?
We may or may not ever know.
But…and this is a very VERY Big Butt…
When it’s all said and done, we may end up thanking Dementia Joe for his final selfish act in office.
Stay with me.
To get a pardon, you are supposed to plead guilty and show remorse.
And we’re not sure a preemptive pardon is even legal.
But now, we can subpoena these people to testify.
Ironically (or NOT) they cannot be prosecuted now, so they have NO FIFTH AMENDMENT privilege against self-incrimination.
They should then be asked to explain their crime and name everyone else who assisted them who is not pardoned.
To accept these pardons CONFIRMS that they are guilty of high crimes against the United States.
They may not be sent to prison, but they can now be interrogated like any criminal getting a plea deal.
Sweet, Huh?
It gets better…
The Small Business Association can now bring a class action lawsuit against Fauci for all the businesses he destroyed with his lockdowns.
For this, he would have to testify…and there better not be any lies in his testimony.
And he will have to explain any conspiracy he was in with Bill Gates, the Rockefeller Foundation, the World Health Organization, and Klaus Schwab.
Final Act of Corruption
So, the reality is that Stinky Joe has opened the door for these, and other possibilities, to go after these creepy people.
Otherwise, you would have had to prove Fauci was guilty; but now he is Pardoned, so he is guilty of a crime to accept a pardon.
And that is why we said we might end up thanking O’Biden for his final act of corruption.
Because it may help to bring down the corruption more than anything else.
As usual, time will tell.
But for now, at least we have reason to hope that the truth will be revealed and justice served.
“And you shall know the truth, and the truth will make you free.”
~ John 8:32 ~
For more of the truth (and an insight into what could be a huge move in the AI stocks) be sure to read our January issue of “Simplifying Wall Street…In Plain English” (HERE).
Share this with a friend…especially if they would like to see justice served on the above-mentioned creeps. They’ll thank YOU later.
And tell them:
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