The blowback from our Resident Brandon’s sanctions against Russia has scared the Dems spitless. And Stinky Joe is now asking Germany to “Wait until after the mid-term” elections before banning Russian oil.
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.
So, at the expense of the people in Europe suffering the Dems want Europe/Germany to ban Russian oil – like Stinky Joe did – thinking that it will put Putin out of business.
But…and this is a Very Big Butt…
They’re begging them to:
“Wait until after the mid-term elections,”
Because the vast majority of Americans aren’t buying the excuse that prices at the pump are “Putin’s fault.”
Ironically (or NOT) it will backfire.
And Europe knows it.
- Germany is the #1 importer of Russian energy
- 34% of its total petroleum comes from Russia
- Nearly half of Germany’s coal is tied to Russia
- One-third of homes are heated with Russian imported oil
- Germany purchased 27 billion tons of crude from Russia in 2021 alone.
- They don’t have an alternative source of energy
This goes beyond stupid.
Because if they wait until November to ban Russian oil, they’ll freeze to death in December, and the winter of 2023.
But the Stinkmeister doesn’t care.
He’s using Zelensky/Ukraine as a proxy war to usher in World War III.
Zelensky has cried that the EU is spending “blood money” on Russian energy. *
(* Note…Do you remember when Europe openly laughed at Trump in 2017 when he told them to not be so dependent on Russian energy?)
In a classic case of stupidity gone to seed, Zelensky accused nations who purchase Russian oil of being guilty of genocide and war crimes.
Quote from Zelensky:
“If Russians are committing war crimes, even genocide, whoever is supplying Russia with this bloody money is guilty of the same war crime.”
After the mid-terms
Bottom line:
Instead of their goal being to do what’s best for the people, these cretins are committed to the Great Reset/Build Back Better narrative.
Unfortunately – or maybe rightfully so – it will ultimately be to their demise.
So, if you own European stocks, mutual funds or assets denominated in Euros, get out.
It’s that simple.
Don’t say you weren’t warned.
And for more ideas on how to prosper AND thrive when Europe implodes, be sure to read the Short and Sweet Tips column every month in our monthly newsletter (HERE).
You’ll thank us later.
And share this with a friend…especially if they own European/International mutual funds.
They’ll thank YOU later.
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