In the four years of Trump’s presidency, the bought-and-paid-for media presstitutes encouraged everyone to refer to Trump as “Not My President.” So now, it only seems fair that we refer to Biden as “Not My Hologram.”
Let’s face it.
The Deep State puppet masters pulling Biden’s strings don’t want Dementia-Joe to make public appearances.
It’s obvious he’s incapable of putting a series of coherent sentences together.
And they’re afraid of what he might say.
Maybe that’s why he’s the first president to NOT deliver a State of the Union (SOTU) address after taking office.
Or Maybe the Deep State realizes that a SOTU address would be disastrous.
Or maybe, JUST MAYBE, we’ll eventually see a virtual SOTU address in the form of Joe Biden’s Hologram…with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer propping Biden up like the Weekend at Bernie’s movie.
Think I’m kidding?
Just wait until they use Covid Passports as an excuse to have a Virtual SOTU address …in order to ensure the safety and integrity of everyone involved.
Not My Hologram
Once that happens you can officially claim that Creepy Joe is “Not My Hologram.”
In the meantime, there’s a good chance the Hologram will remain in the basement of the White House.
Or, maybe he’ll come out and call Putin “a killer” again, now that Russia is beginning a Massive ‘Combat Readiness’ inspection as Ukraine tensions soar.
Try to picture creepy-Joe going toe-to-toe with Vlad “The Impaler” Putin.
It ain’t gonna happen.
The scary part is trying to figure out who the Deep State will use as acting president when the (you know what) hits the fan.
And it won’t be Kamala Harris.
In the meantime, the Big Tech Media Presstitutes will continue to slobber all over themselves when Biden puts two consecutive sentences together.
Here’s the point.
The markets know that ‘Joe and da Hoe’ aren’t calling the shots.
If the markets believed that the proposed new tax laws would be passed, you’d see everyone running for the exits like a scalded dog.
So, until we can determine who truly is the “acting president” – like Cheney was for Bush – it’s okay to refer to Sleepy Joe as “Not My Hologram.”
And regardless of what the O’Biden/Hologram administration does, you should learn how to prosper AND thrive in Turbulent Times in our monthly newsletter (HERE).
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