Whether you realize it or not, many millionaires secrets for obtaining wealth are no longer a secret.
All you need to do is find the next Bitcoin scam opportunity.
At least thats what the cryptocurrency zealots will tell you.
Theyll also tell you that you no longer need a Swiss Bank account to hide your wealth.
Because Blockchain technology is unhackable.
(*Side note since 2014, the Swiss Government, under pressure from the USA Banking mobsters, have coughed up the names of thousands of American investors who thought their privacy was safe.)
But lets address the idea of blockchain technology (which is used for cryptocurrencies) being unhackable.
All I need to say to you is ANYTHING can be hacked even blockchain technology.
You can read about the most recent example (HERE).
Dont get me wrong. There will be a multitude of new millionaires created from Bitcoin and its many clones.
In fact, there are increasing numbers of millionaires created overnight from this cashless phenomenon.
But what do you know about it?
If youre like most people, you dont know a lot. But it sure sounds interesting and mysterious, doesnt it?
Its something you should be paying attention to because, like it or not, its here to stay.
And it will impact your life.
We covered some of the risks and opportunities of cryptocurrencies in our October newsletter Simplifying Wall Street in Plain English.
And were going to continue to update our subscribers about how to stay ahead of the curve as we move toward a cashless society.
Dont miss out!
Read more (HERE)
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