Recently, Communist leader, Kim Jong-Un, has offered to send 100,000 soldiers to fight alongside Russia as North Korea backs Russia.
No surprise here.
And you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to see how North Korea is attempting to align closely with Russia.
Kim Jong-Un has even offered to help repair the Donbas region after the war.
Although they are a small nation, North Korea is a nuclear power with a formidable military state. And has the fourth largest military in the world.
Actions like this continues to prove how this proxy war in Ukraine has strengthened the West’s enemies.
Maybe this has something to do with the abundance of coveted rare-earth minerals in North Korea that Russian AND China wants.
Read: Korean Peace?…Syria Front and Center April 30, 2018.
Or Maybe Kim knows he can send cheap laborers to Russia at a moment’s notice…and he is certainly desperate for allies.
Or Maybe, JUST MAYBE this will entice China to step up its efforts as they have a monopoly on trade with their neighboring country. And are increasingly growing frustrated with America after Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan.
Ironically (or NOT) these actions simply confirm how – as the threat of WWIII heats up – new players are joining the fight.
Read: WWIII is Coming…Compliments of the USA. May 11, 2021.
If/When North Korea Backs Russia
We’re not trying to forecast gloom and doom here.
Well, maybe we are…kinda…sorta.
But everything we’re seeing points to lines being drawn and sides being taken in a classic East vs West confrontation.
And both sides will paint the other as the boogie man.
However, the Boyz behind the curtain need the boogie man front and center.
It’s how they’ll get you to zig when they zag.
So, while the world freaks out over North Korea, Iran, Israel, Putin, Ukraine, China, etc., Wall Street will continue to move forward in the Most Hated Bull Market in History.
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