We’ve reached the point where there is no stopping the warmongers who are forcing WW3.
But who are these warmongers?
You could say that it’s the Deep State…whose agenda has always been about war and destroying Russia.
But those Boyz depend on the “players” in the public eye.
And those players include neocons like John McCain… who handed Hillarys’ fake dossier to James Comey at the FBI.
As a result, Hillary used it to condition the Democrats to think that Russia was the enemy…and that they rigged the election for Trump.
And even though it was proven that it was all fake, we now see both Democrats AND Republicans cheering for war.
If ten years ago you said that the US would be the aggressor in WW3 everyone would have thought you were crazy.
And yet, all you need to do is look at how the warmongers (Cough! Lindsey Graham, Cough! Mitch McConnell, Cough! Cough!)
But the real tell-tale sign of war is – and has always been – the capital (money) flows between investment sectors and internationally between nations and regions.
Historically, capital flows to the dollar during world war.
And it’s under the assumption that tanks will not be landing on the beaches of America.
Stopping the Warmongers
But now that O’Biden has increased sanctions on China – because they’re supporting Russia – money is running from the danger zones.
As a result, China is seeing investors pull out from its share markets over concerns that we are clearly headed into World War 3.
The problem is we are in no position to be telling China what to do.
But the warmongers don’t care.
Because the US has no interest in peace or Stopping the warmongers
And not only will China be next on our list of enemies, but we are also looking at collapsing confidence in governments around the globe from here on out.
The net result will be an unprecedented rise in the US Dollar which will destroy most other markets in its wake.
Unfortunately, the greatest danger to America will be the strong dollar.
However, in the process, it will cause most investors to miss some of the greatest opportunities of their lifetime.
Ironically (or NOT) we seriously doubt that O’Biden even understands what he is doing.
Because he’s acting at the directions of these Neocons who have infiltrated the White House.
Our best hope is to prepare for the inevitable.
And you can learn more about it (HERE).
Share this with a friend…especially if they hate war.
They’ll thank YOU later.
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