I’ll definitely rattle someone’s cage with this email, but you need to hear the truth about financial newsletters.
Have you ever seen a compelling headline and thought: “Wow! I gotta read how this guy made 459% in one week.”
Then, after reading about how you too can make outrageous amounts of money (while being the envy of all your friends) you take the plunge and buy the newsletter.
If you’ve done that, don’t feel bad. It happens to all of us at one point or another.
It’s called “being a victim of excellent copywriting.”
Ironically, most of these letters are written by people with little or no investment experience. But they’re very convincing and make a great case as to why you need to buy what they’re selling.
Unfortunately, many widows and other unsuspecting investors buy into the hype because “it sounds so convincing.” (I wrote a true story about a widow who almost lost a fortune HERE)
You need to consider that, just like the Wall Street predators, most financial newsletters appeal to your two basic emotions.
Fear and Greed.
And the slickest ones of all are rarely published by people who’ve “walked the walk.”
We have over 107 years of combined real-life experience on Wall Street. We don’t make crazy promises of how to get rich quick.
But we’ll teach you how to read between the lines of what’s real versus the hype that victimizes most investors.
And when you understand how the investment world (and their over-hyped newsletters) operates, you’ll beat the pants off the so-called Gurus.
See for yourself (HERE).
You’ll thank us later.
P.S. Share this with someone you know who’s been a victim of newsletter hype…They’ll thank YOU later.
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