You know things are getting dangerous when NATO decides to fix the world’s problem…caused by NATO.
Ukrainian Minister for Euro-Atlantic Integration, Olga Stefanishina claimed there is a consensus within NATO that Ukraine needs to become a member of the bloc.
This is just plain insane.
And it would immediately start World War 3.
Because all NATO members could then join the fight and justify their Sovereign Debt Defaults.
Wait, What?
We’ve been pounding the table for years about how most governments around the world are broke and are looking for a way to default on their debt.
READ: Banksters, Wars, Bitcoin, Corruption and Vengeance February 8, 2022
And it’s obvious that leaders in the West are hell bent on creating World War 3 all because the monetary system is collapsing.
But they realize they can’t continue to borrow anymore with no intention of paying anything back.
Cue up: Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC).
READ: What You Should Know About CBDCs October 13, 2022
CBDCs make sense ONLY if you’re a bankster.
But with Ukraine begging to get into NATO, it’s only a matter of time before the defaults start falling like dominoes.
And that’s when the Banksters and Big Tech Boyz will scream how everyone using cash is a terrorist and why we must switch to digital currencies.
Caused by NATO?
Obviously, the Western Nations excessive borrowing was not cause by NATO.
But Ukraine is a different story.
NATO has not only encouraged Ukraine to join, but they’ve constantly stoked the fires against Russia making the situation worse and not better.
No one in NATO wants peace.
Ironically (or NOT) they’re supposed to be peacemakers.
And they’re totally ignoring the fact that China, North Korea, and Iran – just to name a few – will take sides with Russia.
So, instead of seeking peace, NATO wants World War 3.
And they think they can defeat Russia by destroying their economy and bring about their Great Reset to include digital currencies.
It ain’t gonna happen.
NATO will fail to fix problems caused by NATO.
And in the process create more chaos than most people can imagine into 2023 and beyond.
The question is…how are you prepared to deal with it?
Learn how to use the political chaos in 2023 to your advantage in December’s issue of “…In Plain English” (HERE).
And share this with a friend…especially if they think NATO is wrong.
They’ll thank YOU later.
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