Unlike most Financial publications we shy away from subjects like “The Top 10 Predictions for This Year” articles. Instead, we prefer the strange but true predictions.
Let me explain why.
Most of the Gurus and Guru wannabes out there base their “crystal ball predictions” on hype that’s designed to get you to Zig while they Zag.
In other words, their carefully scripted “predictions” are created by their Wall Street overlords.
To lull you into a sense of false security about what direction the markets are headed.
And, as always, the boyz need the 99% to be wrong in order for the 1% to make fortunes…at your expense.
Ironically (or NOT) if you looked back on most of the guru/wannabes predictions in the past, you’ll find that the majority of them failed.
For that reason – and mostly for the fact that we know that the market doesn’t care about your feelings or what you think – we shy away from most Jim Cramer-like forecasts.
Strange But True Predictions
And based on how weird the world has become – especially in the last two years from the CoronaHoax – we find it far more entertaining to make predictions based on the folly of the far too many stupid people making headlines.
As a result, we’re predicting that you’ll see headlines in 2022 like:
- Men Break Every Record Ever Held in Women’s Sports
- Harvard Gender Studies Professor Discovers FIVE New Pronouns
- Ghislaine Maxwell’s ‘Black Book’ Leaked…Will Be Released Next Year
- Obama Releases New Memoir
- CDC Runs Out of Greek Letters for Variants…Starts Naming Them After Muppets
- Jen Psaki’s Standard Answers for Every Question is Racism, White Supremacy, Covid or Climate Change
- No Child Born in 2022 is Named Brandon
- How Everyone Becomes a Billionaire With Bitcoin
- Ted Cruz Finally Gets to Spend a Week in Cancun
- Obama Releases Another New Memoir
Ironically (or NOT) our headlines may or may not be true or even strange.
But one thing we can say for certain is that 2022 will catch most people off guard.
Especially when it comes to “head fakes” in the markets.
So, don’t take the bait.
Instead, get ready to prosper AND thrive in Turbulent Times in 2022 by reading our “…In Plain English” newsletter (HERE).
We’re Not Just About Finance.
And we’ll teach you how Wall Street operates behind the curtain.
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