According to POLITICO, the US is considering increasing its small military presence in Ukraine by sending up to 60 additional military advisers.
Ironically (or NOT) this was announced the same day the House approved an additional $61 billion in spending for the proxy war.
And four unnamed US officials told POLITICO that the additional troops would “support logistics and oversight efforts for the weapons the US is sending Ukraine.”
Reading about “Military Advisers to Ukraine” caused me to have a flashback to the late 1990s and a conversation I had with an associate who happened to be a Vietnam Vet.
And for privacy’s sake we’ll call him Larry.
Larry was nearly stone deaf from (according to him) explosions and gunfire he experienced in Vietnam.
At first, Larry – like many other Vietnam Vets – was slow reluctant to talk about Vietnam.
But as we became good friends, he opened up with many war stories.
And one of our conversations went like this…
Larry: James, for the most part nothing good came out of Vietnam.
Me: When were you in Vietnam?
Larry: 1962 and 1963.
Me (after realizing some history about Vietnam): Larry, we weren’t in Vietnam in 62-63.
Larry: Not Officially.
Me: What do you mean by “NOT OFFICIALLY?”
Long pause…
Larry: We were there as advisers.
Me: So, who did you advise?
Larry: It’s a long story…and we really didn’t advise too many people.
Me: Well then, what did you do?
Larry was not one to sugar coat anything with language like…“support logistics and oversight efforts for the weapons the US is sending Ukraine Vietnam.”
Instead, he went into graphic detail over his advisory missions where he and the other “advisers” did horrific things that most people would not want to hear.
And while he was reliving those events he paused (zoned out is a better description) and stared out his office window for a long time with that 1,000-yard stare.
When I finally got the nerve to break the very uncomfortable silence, I said:
Me: Didn’t that stuff mess you up?
Larry: Are you kidding? I was f**ked up for decades as a result.
So, here we are, 60+ years later, hearing how O’Biden’s Neocons are increasing their “Advisers” presence in Ukraine.
As Yogi Berra famously once said:
It’s Déjà vu all over again.
The only difference is we didn’t bankroll Vietnam with Billions of tax payer dollars.
So, the next time you hear about “Military Advisers” being sent to Ukraine, don’t believe the narrative that it is about taking “baby steps” to help them.
Because history shows that the US lost in Vietnam by taking “baby steps.”
WW3 hasn’t officially been announced.
But it’s only a matter of time before the Advisers become thousands of American young men going to fight another Bankster war.
READ: All Wars Are Bankster Wars August 17, 2023 (HERE)
And be sure to read:
Investments to Own During World War 3
And Why You Should Be Buying Them Now (HERE)
Share this with a friend…especially if they know a Vietnam Vet. They’ll thank YOU later.
And tell them:
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