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YOU Would go To Jail for This
But the 1% Elite Wall Street Club (with BLESSINGS from our Government) Uses These Insider Tactics to Control and Make Trillions. Discover How They Operate and You Wont Be Their Victim Anymore. In Fact, Youll Profit from Them.
Dear Friend,
If you truly want to understand how Wall Street operates, you must first see it from the inside. However, seeing something doesnt always mean you understand it. In fact, most of what you see or hear about investing is often confusing. To some, it seems like a foreign language.
But, heres a secret. Its supposed to be confusing.
You see, by confusing you with industry jargon, the Wall Street GURUS gain a superior advantage. Then theyll use illegal tactics to misdirect, intimidate, and rip you off.
The worst part is they get away with it.
How can that happen?
The truth is our so called leaders in Washington have become experts at looking the other way and theyre handsomely rewarded for it. (Note: in addition to politicians, the Fake Stream Media outlets are also bought-and-paid-for by the boys in the Club.)
Seriously, if you tried to run a business like these modern day banksters, youd end up in jail.
So, how do you compete in a system thats rigged against you?
Thats where we come in.
We Finally Got Fed Up and Decided to do Something About It
First, some background.
Were a group of former (and current) Wall Street investment advisors with over 107 years of combined experience. Our collective battle scars come from years of seeing our clients get taken advantage of by the institutional players. Behind the scenes they do the dirty work and we (on the front line) take all the heat.
We know how unfair the financial world is.
And quite frankly, were fed up.
Thats why we created a monthly newsletter specifically to help you, the individual investor, navigate the mine fields of investing.
Just look at what youll receive every month:
1) We Give you, an insiders look at how the corrupt system works. Ex: How firms work together to trick you into buying what they want to unload.
2) We Teach you how to instantly tell if your advisor is lying to you.
3) We Show you how to connect the dots of events that impact how markets move so you can see the trend ahead of the crowd.
4) And We Explain it in a way thats easy to understand.
We call it:
Simplifying Wall Street in Plain English.
DISCLAIMER: If youre looking to get rich quick, or expecting fancy charts and graphs, then stop reading now.
If You Question the Integrity of Wall Street, Youve Come to the Right Place
To get the most out of this newsletter you must understand and accept several ideas:
1) Most of the major banks are crooked and theyve been in cahoots with DC for over 100 years.
2) Most investors are not prepared for whats about to happen over the next few years.
3) The Fake Main Stream Financial Media is your worst enemy.
Trust me when I say theres a lot at stake here.
Were painfully aware of whats eventually going to happen in the markets. And in the next several years well witness two things.
1) The privileged 1% will gain more control and power.
2) The other 99% are going to get screwed.
How do we know this?
History is loaded with examples. Unfortunately, most investors dont study history nor do they understand market cycles.
Do you remember the housing crash that started in 2007-2008? Everyone screamed Who could have foreseen that happening? when it was a normal completion of a cycle. Or, the crash of 1987 where everything was blamed on computer failures but the cause was based on currency devaluations.
And thats another reason why we created this newsletter.
As a premium subscriber, we give you an in-depth look at how market cycles work. And our real-life experiences not only show you creative ways to profit in a corrupt system, theyll also keep you from making costly mistakes.
But theres much more to our content than exposing a corrupt system and learning how to profit from it.
Give a Man a Fish, You Feed Him for a Day (and Well Show You the Best Fishing Spots)
The old saying actually reads: Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, you feed him for life.
In addition to exposing the truth about Wall Street, we believe its our responsibility to teach you how to fish wisely in the vast ocean of the financial world.
(I use the term wisely because despite all the corruption, theres always tremendous opportunities to increase your wealth. You just need to know where to find them.)
And for less than 30 cents a day, it’s a steal. (see below)
So, get exclusive access today and youll know what we mean when we say: Its time to rethink everything you know (or think you know) about Wall Street.
James Vincent
World Leader In Simplifying Wall Street
P.S. Based on what you just read, can you afford to invest in a rigged environment all alone? If not, then you need to jump on this offer today.
Get the inside edge you need so that when others are losing money youll be making it. PLUS, Simplifying Wall Street in Plain English includes special columns like: How to teach your kids about money and,Wall Streets secret inside language and much more. Act now!
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Basic Monthly Subscription of $15.95.
Thats equal to lunch for two at a fast food restaurant.
The difference is our information is better for you than a greasy burger.
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4 Quarterly Payments of $45.00 ($15 per month).
Its not a big discount but it IS a discount.
And it adds up to less than 50 cents per day.
What can you possibly buy for 50 cents these days?
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2 Semi-Annual Payments of $75.00 ($12.50 per month).
Thats $42.00 off the monthly package that YOU get to keep.
I dont know about you but Ill gladly keep an extra $42.00 any day of the week.
Take the $42.00 savings and treat your spouse or friend to a decent lunch.
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Annual Payment of $105.00 ($8.75 per month or two lattes at your favorite coffee shop).
This is a SERIOUS DISCOUNT here = to a 45% savings from the monthly package.
Put it in perspective. If you get one idea that saves you (OR MAKES YOU) multiple thousands of dollars, then a $105.00 subscription price is RIDICULOUSLY cheap.
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