It can’t happen here…can it?
How could TPTB (The Powers That Be) declare Martial Law over a virus?
In order to answer those questions, you need step back from your emotions and think about how – within days after 9/11 – we had the most egregious Orwellian law shoved down our throats under the disguise of “The Patriot Act.”
Simply stated, it was the greatest theft of our human rights in American history.
And since then it’s only gotten worse.
Today we’re seeing mass global hysteria – supposedly over a virus – that’s affecting waaaayyyy too much of our lives. (i.e. cancelling everything in sight)
Before you know it, we’ll see an emergency law passed (for our protection, of course) to counter Bio-Terrorism or some other goofy name that threatens our existence.
It’s almost guaranteed.
TPTB NEVER let a good crisis go to waste.
And right now, the markets are screaming CRISIS from the rooftops.
All I can say is, don’t let this madness get in the way of your better judgement.
Meanwhile, the boyz in the club are wringing their hands and saying things like “I’m Shocked I tell you. Shocked! Who Could’ve Foreseen This Happening? We Need to Get the Government Involved. Our Future is at Stake.”
Ironically (or NOT) no one is talking about any connection between the Coronavirus and 5G.
Think about this for a moment.
A virus/disease normally runs rampant through third world countries…especially Africa, who, ironically (or NOT) have only reported 3 cases of Coronavirus
Which begs the question: How do Third World countries in Africa avoid such a contagious strain of the coronavirus…especially with the lack of proper sanitation and necessary hygiene?
Does it have anything to do with the lack of 5G rollout in Africa?
We answer that question – and more about 5G – in the March issue of “…In Plain English.”
Get your copy HERE…it’s the best $15 investment you’ll ever make.
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