As China continues to take copious notes on the whole Russia/Ukraine scene, we’re seeing more stupidity on display.
Cue up a Recent headline: US Unexpectedly Sanctions China Officials Hours After Demanding Beijing Condemn Russia.
All I can say is, “Boy, that’s a bad move!”
What if China decided to sanction the US for its war crimes in the Middle East and confiscates/nationalizes all the US factories in China?
If the US can do it to Russian citizens for no other reason than being Russian then China can seize property owned by US citizens.
Taking Copious Notes
And they’ll do the same for companies for no other reason than being US owned.
Proving once again we are being run by morons who are hell bent on war!
Speaking of Morons, US Secretary of State Blinken said:
“We are committed to defending human rights around the world and will continue to use all diplomatic and economic measures to promote accountability.”
But the part he left out was:
Unless you live in Yemen, Afghanistan, Syria, Canada, Australia, Libya, Iraq, the West Bank, and Gaza.
And Unless you speak Russian.
And let’s not forget Unless you’re a critical thinker who disagrees with the lies and propaganda of the US Psychopaths-In-Charge.
These psychopaths/Neocons will not stop until they get WWIII.
Geneva has invested too much to implement the Great Reset simply to fold the tent without China and Russia bending the knee and giving up sovereignty to the UN.
And in case you missed it, the UN is controlled by Geneva, which in turn is made up of western billionaires and multinationals.
Ironically (or NOT) Klaus Schwab has stated we need to destroy everything to Build Back Better.
And ever since Stinky Joe has been in office, we’ve seen the destruction of not only western economies but the world economy.
Demonizing Putin
The ongoing push to demonize Putin is accelerating.
And O’Biden is not alone.
We’re also seeing members of Congress, alleged experts, retired generals, the intel crowd. and the entire group of Media Presstitutes foolishly cheering for war.
The point?
You need to think Twice before you CHEER for the defeat of Russia.
There is no retreat in a man like Putin.
And eliminating him will only confirm to all Russians that the West is not to be TRUSTED.
Sad to say, a World War forces you to choose sides, no matter how despicable you may find some of their ideals.
So, what are you gonna do?
We suggest you choose the side that prospers AND thrives in Turbulent Times (HERE).
Your financial future may just depend on it.
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Wait! You Mean Ukraine Wasn’t Always Ukraine?
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