Unlike the French “Yellow Vests” protest/riots – ongoing since November 2018 – or the more recent Hong Kong demonstrations/riots, no one in the gringo world is paying attention to Bolivia.
Porque? (WHY)
If you ask 10 people anything about Bolivia, 9 of them couldn’t even tell you where it is on the map.
So, it should come as no surprise why, most of the English-speaking world, is clueless about what’s happening in a nation that historically flies under the radar.
Recently re-elected Bolivian president – and former Hugo Chavez protégé – Evo Morales was charged with election fraud.
And in typical dictator fashion, Morales refused to acknowledge any votes that were cast against him.
He claimed victory by default saying that those who voted against him didn’t count.
However, the uproar from most Bolivians screamed for a recount and for Morales to resign as president.
At first, El Jefe made it perfectly clear that he, in no way, would consider what the people want.
He even cut off the electricity in major cities like Cochabamba, Santa Cruz, and Potosi for “disrespecting him.”
This is what you get when you live under Democratic Socialism.
Sounding familiar?
Even though Morales controlled most of the media in Bolivia the situation has remarkably turned against him.
You see, today’s Bolivians are nobody’s fool.
They’ve been here, done that numerous times in the past.
And this time they remain vigilant in their cause…especially after learning from the OEA (organization that monitors elections) that fraud has actually been committed.
On Sunday, Morales surprisingly announced his resignation and fled the country.
At this time, it’s uncertain whether his resignation will stand or if he’ll return win a vengeance.
This story is far from over.
Do you think this can’t happen here?
Think again.
Certain politicians here have already said they’ll do whatever it takes to swing our 2020 election in their favor (Think Google, Social Media, Amazon, etc.).
Learn how Big-Tech plans on pulling off a “Morales” in November’s issue of “…In Plain English.”
And share this with a friend…especially if they’re Bolivian.
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