Before you start asking: “What does a French teacher have to do with the markets?” …let me give you some perspective.
Years ago, kids growing up in small towns in the Midwest thought that people with New York accents sounded like foreigners.
We couldn’t understand them.
To make matters worse, my school had a French teacher from Brooklyn with an Italian lineage named Mr. Grossini.
When Mr. Grossini spoke in English we would snicker when he said things like, “Vincent, getta ova heeya.”
His Italian/Brooklyn/English combo was a source of great entertainment.
However, his French, to us, was flawless and showed no signs of Italian or Brooklyn accents.
It was mostly due to the fact that he spent years living in France immersed in their culture. Instead of trying to speak French with an English mindset, he listened and learned how to understand what they were saying.
The result? He spoke like a native.
This is the principle we advocate when we say You Must Listen to the Markets.
The biggest reason why most people fail when investing is because they interpret what the markets are doing based on their local or regional mindset.
That’s like listening to a man speak perfect French but you can’t get over that his English is a garbled mixture Italian and Brooklyn accents.
That mindset will cause confusion.
We live in a global world where Everything is Connected…Everything. And by not looking at the markets globally, you end up making the same mistakes over and over again.
In order to navigate the mine fields in 2020, The Year of Chaos, you’ll need to have “Ears to Hear.”
The question is, Will you be listening to Mr. Grossini’s flawless French (the markets telling you what to do) or his confusing English?
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