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Maga Fascism On the Rise

Now that former half-white president Obama failed miserably to shame black men into voting for Kamalama (by accusing them of bias against her because she is a woman), it was only a matter of time before the screeching about Maga Fascism began.


Cue Up:  MSNBC’s Joy Reid claimed that Donald Trump’s “disinformation” is “working,” MAGA “fascism” is on the rise, and that there will be an “insurrection 2.0” during a bizarre and unhinged monologue this week.


In case you don’t know who Joy Reid is…she’s a blonde haired black woman calling out brothas…





But If Joy Reid Wore a Wig…





Reid is a standard bearer for perpetually angry, post-menopausal cat ladies that do sadly tend to vote in large numbers.

These are the same women coming out in droves to support Kamala Harris based purely on her gender and skin color. 


And they are the same women that supported Hillary Clinton in 2016 simply because they wanted a woman president and they didn’t care who it was.


Speaking of Hillary…Oh, the Irony!





And it is women like this that use shaming tactics to control the people around them.


Their only source of power in life is to henpeck others into submission.


But what’s funny about women like Reid is despite her rants, she needs men to vote for Harris as well.



What About Masculine Maga Fascists?



And as many critics have pointed out, this is rather ironic given the fact that Democrats and leftist activists have spent the better part of the last decade calling masculinity a “toxic” and oppressive social disease that needs to be eliminated. 


At the same time, they have worked hard to demonize all men as potential rapists, misogynists, mass shooters and fascists.


Ironically (or NOT) NOW progressive women want men to lift them out of the hole they’ve dug for themselves.

But they don’t want to admit they were wrong about men or apologize for their behavior and accusations.


Meanwhile, Kamalama is doing her part in attempting to shame black men into voting for her because she’s a black woman (even though she is NOT Black).





So, for the time being, the liberals have managed to take their focus from demonizing the White Man being the most dangerous thing on the planet to shaming Black men.





The truth is, black male voters, are walking away from the political left, not because they are turning “fascist”, but because they are finally waking up to the game being played with their futures.


And it could not happen at better time.


Be sure to see how this election madness eventually wreaks havoc in our markets (HERE).


And share this with a friend…especially if they know who Joy Reid is.  They will thank YOU later.




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