The growing list of Hollyweirdos associated with Jeffery Epstein’s “Lolita Express” has taken a back seat to Chicken Sandwiches.
You know it’s sad when civilized chicken sandwich fans become violent over a “Popeye’s” franchise not keeping pace with their gastronomic demands.
What’s even more sad is how The Whores-0f-Babylon-Media presstitutes continue to cluck around and ignore the names of famous celebrities who’ve been on the “Lolita Express.” (see list below)
We remind you that this is yet another example of the “Look here! Don’t look there!” tactic.
Meanwhile, the sheeple go “Balk, Balk, Balk.” Oops, I meant baaahhhh.
What’s it going to take to wake up to the fact that the media hates YOU and goes out of their way to keep you distracted?
This is one of the main reasons why people lose in the stock market.
They listen to – and believe – what the financial shills puke out every day…not realizing that the so-called gurus are simply “talking their book” so they can take advantage of you.
To emphasize this point, ask yourself: “What redeeming qualities, like integrity or morals, do these people represent?”
If you can’t come up with any answers, then ask yourself: “What makes them different from Hollywood celebrities?”
Again, the bottom line is it’s all about them and not you.
We’re not saying that all the financial media whores are bad. Well, maybe we are, kinda, sorta.
However, when economic calamity strikes, they’ll be the first to say, “I’m Shocked, I tell you. Shocked! Who could’ve foreseen this happening?”
Remember, they want you distracted, confused, and misdirected…especially during Turbulent Times.
Learn how to fight back and win (HERE).
You’ll thank us later.
P.S. Here’s the list:
Oh! About those Chicken Sandwiches:
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