Whether you want to believe it or not, the Covid lockdowns around the world are to crush you into submission.
And in 2022 the Boyz are going to up the lockdown ante.
The Globalists aren’t using lockdowns to improve your health.
Instead, they’re using fear mongering – like Delta and “Moronic” variants – to justify destroying the global economy.
(BTW if you take the words DELTA and OMICRON and scramble them you come up with MEDIA CONTROL.)
What’s sickening is these creeps are using Sesame Street to brainwash kids into believing they need to take the vax.
“See Kids, Big Bird took the jab!”
Unfortunately, impressionable kids cannot understand the consequences of taking a vaccine with known life-threatening side effects.
And the long-term side effects are still unknown.
But there have already been reports of children suffering irreparable damage.
And now the new “moronic” variant shows up right in time for the Big Pharma Boyz to approve the jab for 5–11-year-old kids.
Crush You Into Submission
Regardless of your political beliefs, it’s clear that this is completely wrong.
And speaking of wrong, the O’Biden Administration has told businesses to ignore the courts and follow his commands, which in itself is outrageous.
Why would he do this?
It’s simple.
It’s another way to crush you into submission.
Ironically (or NOT) the very people behind this entire agenda hate religion and especially the Word of God…just as Karl Marx did.
Soros has admitted he doesn’t believe in God.
And Schwab himself said that it’s up to us to shape our own future using Build Back Better where “You Will Own Nothing and Be Happy.”
The problem is, they know the divide and conquer strategy works.
This was how Hitler rose to power…and this is what they are doing with this vaccine.
There is no longer toleration of diversity, or religious beliefs.
Do the math and you’ll see that the O’Biden Administration is taking orders from non-US sources.
You might think that’s crazy.
But like I just said, Do the math.
Nothing seems to add up.
As a result, you can expect more madness going into 2022.
And the possibility of a Man-Made Depression looms bigger every day.
If you haven’t read our November issue of “…In Plain English” (where we show you how to prepare for it) then go do it now (HERE).
2022 is going to be wild.
But it also could be the opportunity of a lifetime for those with ears to hear.
Tune up your hearing by going (HERE).
And share this with a friend.
They’ll thank YOU later.
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