March 2025
March 4, 2025

Financials Matter

"It's Not Just About Finance"

Like ‘Crabs in a Bucket’

Have you ever seen a bunch of crabs in a bucket where when one tries to escape another will grab hold of them and pull them back in the bucket?

It’s an interesting phenomenon seeing crabs not wanting others to get out of the situation they’re in.

And it kind of reminds me how people who’ve sacrificed their freedom by taking the clot-shot become enraged at those who refuse to take it.

Instead of letting people do their own thing, they become like tyrannical governments.  They want everyone to do as they say…and not necessarily do as they do.

And that’s kinda like the world we’re living in today.


Many people who’ve already taken the jab – so they could travel or not lose their jobs – are waking up and realizing it might not have been the best thing to do.

And now they want out of the madness.

They’re joining the No more Boosters, No More Mandates, No More Masks crowd in protest.

But the other crabs in the bucket are not only trying to pull them back down, they’re becoming more radical about enforcing the Draconian laws and steal their freedoms.

Political Crabs in a Bucket

Example:  One Illinois Democrat (Rep. Deb Conroy) calls for “Quarantine to Observe” those refusing vaccines.

In Plain English she wants to “isolate or quarantine persons who are unable or unwilling to receive vaccines, medications, or other treatments.” 


Talk about being crabby…

Ironically (or NOT) Ms. Conroy and her fellow crabs are about to get a rude awakening at how much we are UNLIKE Australian citizens in this manner.

Cue up:  Canadian Truckers

The truckers are a shining example of crabs who refuse to be pulled back in the bucket.

And even though the presstitutes try to minimize the strength of their protests, others around the world are realizing that resistance is NOT FUTILE.



And their actions have now proven there’s at least one other place in Canada where the crabs aren’t puling each other back in the bucket.

Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe called the vaccine mandate an economic liability and is reversing the policies.

“The vaccine mandate is causing harm to the economy, workforce, and overall ways of life.  I commend the Freedom Convoy for protesting successfully and making real changes through civil disobedience.”

~Scott Moe~

Chalk one up for the truckers who are proving that resistance is NOT FUTILE.

Share this with a friend…especially if they’re Canadian.

They’ll thank YOU later.

And stay tuned for our February edition of “…In Plain English” where you’ll learn how to prosper AND thrive in Turbulent Times (HERE).

We’re Not Just About Finance.





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