Before the debate we revealed how O’Biden admitted he lied about the inflation reduction act and how it was never intended to reduce inflation.
“We should have named it (Inflation Reduction Act) what it was!”
“the most significant CLIMATE CHANGE LAW ever”
And although we briefly mentioned Janet (Mrs. Doubtfire) Yellen’s contribution and support of the largest spending measure in American history ($369 Billion) we feel the need to clarify more about Mr. Yellen’s claims.
Yellen declared that it will take $3 TRILLION ANNUALLY into 2050 for nations to meet their climate objectives.
So, where does that $3 Trillion come from?
If you guessed increased taxes, it shows you are paying attention.
Yellen and her lap-dog group at the recent G-20 meeting deem climate change “the single-greatest economic opportunity of the 21st century.”
But anyone with half a brain will see it as the biggest economic obligation in history.
Because when these fools say it will cost $3 Trillion annually, they know that is a lie.
The real amount will be much more… especially when you factor in the obvious:
- Out of control inflation
- Fat and greedy politicians siphoning off billions for their own special interest groups
- World War 3
- The lust for more taxes
Think we’re kidding?
Inflation Reduction Lies
And thanks to O’Biden’s lies, it has become soooo obvious that this stupid spending bill has only reduced the number of groceries you can buy…thanks to inflation.
As a result, the Boyz are desperate for more taxes.
And that is why they are coming after capital gains and expanding the Treasury to shake down Americans to pay for their asinine spending packages that focus of funneling money to green initiatives. (Cough! 44% capital gains tax, Cough! Cough!)
Climate Change is (and always has been) a global hoax for the globalists to usurp power.
These globalists are willing to limit the food supply, strangle entire sectors, and completely alter our way of life to reduce carbon emissions.
And if you haven’t figured it out by now, COVID-19 was merely a stepping stone for the lucrative tax opportunity hiding under the guise of climate change and the green agenda.
Surprisingly/Not Surprisingly the European Union recently shunned Italy’s Meloni for questioning the climate change agenda and calling it “ideological madness.”
Translation: Don’t Question the narrative because every nation must comply.
And here’s the real problem. These globalists plan to implement these extreme measures in record time with no actual plan on how to execute it.
All they know is that they need more of our money to save the world by 2035.
So now they are testing the waters to see how and who can hold the power to become the world tax authority.
Change is coming fast folks.
And the question remains: “What kind of change are we willing to accept?”
Learn how these changes will affect you and what to do about it in our September issue of “…In Plain English” (HERE).
Share this with a friend…especially if they don’t know who Janet Yellen is. They’ll thank YOU later.
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