Seven years ago (June 26, 2015) the U.S. Supreme Court took the first major step towards legalizing pedophilia.
They struck down all state bans on same-sex marriage, legalizing it in all fifty states.
It was a landmark legislation that put us in the “Twilight Zone” * …aka “Pride Month.”
(* Note: the following is a personal opinion)
Seven years ago, most Liberals cheered the Obama administration’s “Gay Marriage” ordeal.
Essentially, they celebrated sodomy in the White House…but many people don’t want to think of it that way.
And since then, we’ve seen a wave of madness in our country.
Many of the LGBTQ crowd openly claim they “Identify” as a different gender.
And they’ve made up all kinds of other genders. Some even “Identified” as animals.
But here’s the problem.
They now insist that we all agree with them.
The Road to Legalizing Pedophilia
So, when does this madness stop?
In addition to pedophiles showing up at schools and public libraries – putting on these sick “Drag Queen Story Hours” – we have Woke Corporations also pandering to Pride Month.
Sad to say that indoctrinating children AND toddlers into believing that there are more than two genders and teaching them about anal sex is considered “Tolerance” by the leftists.
It’s NOT tolerance…it’s evil.
In Case You Missed it… This is O’Biden’s recent Dept of Energy hire: gender fluid with a background in having sex with animals, “kink,” and drag.
Even in Weimar, Germany this kind of perverted degeneracy was kept underground.
What’s even more amazing is there are parents who, not only support this behavior, but they actually help promote it.
These people clearly belong in a Straight Jacket (pun intended).
And it’s leading us down the road to legalizing Pedophilia.
How often do you hear Liberals condemn pedophilia across the board (unless it involves a White Conservative)?
Sad to say they would rather condone pedophilia than be looked at as Islamophobic.
The bottom line…
Our obligation to protect our children from perversion needs to a primary concern.
At the same time, we need to reject corporations who pander perversion for profit.
Ironically (or NOT) the repercussions for these policies are starting to show up in their earnings…rightfully so.
“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil…”
Isaiah 5:20
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