Every year we coin a phrase for what we feel will set the tone for next 12 months. And this year we picked Learn how to thrive in 2025.
But that is no guarantee that it will be a walk in the park.
On the contrary, we expect 2025 to be very tumultuous.
And a lot of that will be because of Trump’s new administration…and the hatred for him that still brews under the surface.
As we have noted for the last several years, we are STILL IN THE MOST HATED BULL MARKET IN HISTORY.
And we expect that theme to continue as part of Learn How to Thrive 2025.
As usual, there will be opportunities of a lifetime…for those with ears to hear.
Again, that doesn’t mean it will be all fun and games.
In fact, it will be the opposite.
Because the Boyz in the “Club” will step up their game to inflict as much pain as possible to shake up small investors. (like they did in 2022, 2023, and 2024)
And when you combine the Wall Street Boyz with the nefarious agenda of the Deep State Neocons in the District of Caligula, you should expect to encounter plenty of mine fields to navigate.
But that is where we (FinancialsMatter.com) come in handy.
Because our 116+ years of combined experience on Wall Street provides you with a look at how the financial world really operates…Behind the Curtain.
More on that later.
So, How to Thrive in 2025
If history has taught us anything it is how people continue to make the same mistakes over and over again.
Because the passions of man never change.
And that is why in 2025 you should expect the following:
- Political zealots (Cough! Deep State, Cough! Cough!) will continue to divide our nation
- The Neocons/War mongers will start WW3
- There will be more attempts to divide us by race and religion
- Politicians on the left will continue to promise reparations, believing that people should pay for the misdoings of their ancestors even though only a tiny fraction of Americans had ancestors who owned slaves…and they were mostly Democrats
- Expect a rising wave of hate against Asians as a convenient way to blame China for spreading COVID to the world
- More Wars and Rumors of wars
“And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.”
~ Matthew 24:6 ~
The above examples are only a few of the many obstacles we see coming in 2025.
But despite all the negativity, we also see the following:
- The New Great Awakening in America gaining momentum
- People finally stop listening to the Whores-Of-Babble-On Presstitutes and realize that Conspiracy Theorists have been right for the last 4+ years
- We begin to take our country back…
- Liberals reluctantly admit/wake up to the fact how we need to come together if America is to survive.
Current Democrat Dilemma… “Oh, the Irony!”
So, for a more in-depth list of How to Thrive in 2025, be sure to read our January newsletter (HERE).
Share this with a friend…especially if they are one of those “reluctant liberals” who are waking up. They’ll thank YOU later.
And in 2025, don’t hesitate to tell them to “LEAVE THOSE KIDS ALONE…”
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