One of the biggest problems people have when trying to understand how markets move is, they can’t see beyond their bubble.
By that I mean we all live in our own personal bubble.
We tend to see everything from our own personal point of view.
For the vast majority of investors this is a recipe for disaster.
Let me remind you…the markets don’t care about your opinion or feelings.
In fact, the boyz in the “Club” bank on (pun intended) you making mistakes based on your feelings.
They know that in order for the markets to make big moves – up or down – 99% of the crowd must be wrong.
Why else do you think most investors miss the big moves?
Think about this.
If you’re a salesman or a teacher, it’s hard for you to see or understand how a builder constructs a building.
Apply this to investing.
It’s hard to see the market through the eyes of a trader if you’re not a trader.
So, in order to get a better understanding of how the markets move, you must see outside of your personal bubble.
That doesn’t mean you need to become a trader on Wall Street.
However, when you learn to think outside your personal investment bubble, you become more astute and less likely to fall for the ongoing Wall Street traps.
It’s easier than you think…especially if you understand a quote from Otto von Bismarck: “A fool learns from his mistakes, but a truly wise man learns from the mistakes of others.”
At Financial$Matter we have over 108 years of combined experience (including mistakes) on Wall Street.
Based on our experience, we can assure you that Turbulent Times are approaching.
Learn how to navigate and PROSPER in them.
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