March 2025
March 3, 2025

Financials Matter

"It's Not Just About Finance"

Leaders with ZERO Experience in the Market


When you think of third world economic problems – like the ones in Venezuela or South Africa – you automatically assume these leaders have no market experience.


That’s why they’re such a mess, right?


Everything they do undermines their financial system while they steal most of the wealth from their citizens.


Unfortunately, they’re not the only ones that don’t understanding how the markets move economies.


Cue up today’s politicians:


Ironically (or NOT) most of our representatives in DC have ZERO experience in the markets.


So, when we have a crisis, they’ll lie to cover up their mistakes that caused the problem and then write new law that ultimately make the problems worse down the road.


Since 2008 our financial system has been completely undermined.  And, the big banks have paid nearly $500 Billion in fines.



Unfortunately, NO ONE has been prosecuted from the financial crimes committed.




Our government is not interested in prosecuting banksters.




There’s no money in it for them.


Instead they want the multi-billion-dollar fines that the banks gladly pay to avoid prosecution.


Wait!  What?


That’s right…to the big banks it’s like paying a license fee to stay in business.


Unfortunately, by extorting banks to pay big fines, they’ve forced many smaller banks to get out of proprietary trading.


This is causing a liquidity problem and is also laying the seeds for the next financial crisis.  (Hint…REPO Market?)


When it hits, these criminals will be the first to claim: I’m shocked, I tell you.  Shocked!  Who could have foreseen this happening?”


Sad to say, it’s not a matter of “If” it’s coming…it’s “when.”


Don’t get caught blindsided in 2020 The Year of Chaos.


Learn how to Connect the dots (HERE)


You’ll thank us later.


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