March 2025
March 9, 2025

Financials Matter

"It's Not Just About Finance"

Knives Kill More People Than AR-15s

Ironically (or NOT) no one ever mentions how knives kill more people than AR-15s.

But, then again, who wants the truth?

And it almost makes you wonder why we don’t hear liberals screaming “Ban all knives.”

It also further illustrates the gun grabbers agenda to shut down the 2nd Amendment.  Which, by the way, uses the words “right to bear arms.”


The last time I checked, owning knives is a form of “bearing arms.”

Of course, the real hypocrisy here is how no one seems to think a knife wielding 16-year-old girl is just as dangerous as a gun-wielding 16-year-old girl.

And if the 16-year-old has just murdered an unarmed person with a knife – and is attempting to murder another unarmed person – then should a cop stand by and let the other person die?

Cue up: The KING race baiter/SJW/Chinese Asset, LeBron James.

James Tweeted/Threatened “You’re Next” to the cop who shot 16-year-old Ma’Khia Bryant.

And Bryant was shot while attempting to kill a second girl…with a knife.


Kill More People

James was told – presumably by his lawyers (or Jack Dorsey, or any sane rational human being) – to take that tweet down.

20 minutes later, the basketball star deleted his disgusting tweet.

Dear Twitter, how does this not violate your “community standards?”

Unfortunately, knowing the facts is considered being racist.

And today’s narrative wants you to believe the only reason the police officer murdered this “peaceful” teen was “systemic racism.

Unfortunately, it’s how we are being trained to think.

The race-baiters are screaming for the blood of the officer involved.

But, the family of the  Second girl who was about to be killed by the “peaceful” teen are likely extremely thankful for law enforcement’s swift action to save their daughter’s life.


Hey, LeDone!

3 and 51

Those are the two SHOCKING numbers that Lebron James, Biden, BLM, the Big Tech Media Presstitutes, and politicians are desperately trying to hide from America.

– 3% of USA population are BLACK males between the ages of 16-44.

– 51% of ALL murders in the USA are committed by the aforementioned 3% of the population.

Source: DOJ

Ironically (or NOT) the level of stupidity in our society is plumbing new depths.


It’s directly proportional to the level of importance given to the opinions of those who are famous ONLY for their ability to move balls around various playing areas.

It’s beyond disgusting when you see an armed teenager becoming some kind of hero because she was killed while trying to murder someone else.


This is all about distraction tactics to Divide and Conquer.


A racist narrative keeps you from seeing how the boyz in the “Club” continue to destroy our society, economy, and future from within.

Don’t Take the Bait.

Instead, learn how to avoid these landmines (HERE).

We’re Not Just About Finance.






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