Now, more than ever, kids need investment advice.
And I’m not talking about how they need to open up a Robinhood account and start trading with the Reddit Rebels.
However, the growing number of young AND old investors alike – seeking an alternative to Wall Street’s big wire houses – is gaining tremendous momentum.
And that’s a good thing.
It’s also more reason why your kids (and grandkids) need to learn the importance of practicing wise investment principals.
Consider this: most younger people today have their noses constantly buried in their phone or hand-held devices.
And that’s probably not going to change anytime soon.
So, it makes sense that we give them an alternative to Tik-Tok, Instagram, etc., with something they can profit from.
Example: Have you ever asked a Millennial/GenX/GenZ person about a topic they may not be familiar with?
They instantly open their phones, furiously typing into their favorite search engines, seeking an answer.
This shows they’re highly skilled at research and/or extracting answers from the internet.
But…and this is a Very Big Butt… if they don’t understand how to apply the “extracted answers from the internet” then it’s simply wasted knowledge.
Why They Need Investment Advice
Cue up: the importance of sound investment advice.
Most of us – present company included – learned about investing from the school of hard knocks.
And our naivete usually cost us lots of money at the hands of Wall Street sharks. *
(*Note: the sharks haven’t gone away).
Instead, they’ve become even more sophisticated in separating you from your hard-earned dollars.
And they know that the eventual wealth transfer to the younger generations translates into countless billions in fees, commissions, and a steady flow of money from unsuspecting young investors.
This is precisely why kids need investment advice.
And it’s also why we’re considering running a series of emails with instructions for young investors.
In the meantime, our “Short and Sweet Tips” column this month features a short story: Financial Illiteracy…A Rising Epidemic Among Today’s Youth.
And you can read it (HERE).
So, if you like the idea of a series of posts about investment tips for our next generations, send us an email or respond to this one.
We love hearing from you.
And share this with a friend who has kids.
They’ll thank YOU later.
As Always, We’re Not Just About Finance.
Wisdom for Your Kids From Tik Tok
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