March 2025
March 1, 2025

Financials Matter

"It's Not Just About Finance"

KFC Thwarts Muslim Take-Over


File this one under “You Just Can’t Make This Stuff Up.”


If you’ve ever wondered why Islam is not a religion that likes to yield to and accept life around them, just ask Colonel Sanders.


Yes, The Colonel Sanders of Kentucky Fried Chicken fame.

The latest absurd Muslim demand that all of society bow to their religious beliefs is going after the iconic KFC in New Zealand.

Currently a group of Muslim believers is campaigning for Kentucky Fried Chicken to shut down their businesses if they do not serve halal food.

The movement is being led by Syeda Fouzia, who said the process of delivering halal food “is not that difficult and that it won’t affect non-Muslims.”


For some reason I find it hard to believe that Muslims are concerned that their demands won’t affect non-Muslims.

On the flip side, it’s hard to imagine KFC divulging it’s carefully guarded “top-secret” original recipe, which includes a blend of 11 herbs and spices, just to appease the Muslims.

Before taking on KFC, these Muslims should try to convince the new Popeye’s Chicken sandwich fans into having it prepared halal style.

(Sorry, couldn’t help myself)

Fortunately, KFC has no intention of caving in to the demands of these pushy Muslims.

“We appreciate their request, however, the issues relating to us being able to certify halal product for customers remain,” said a KFC a spokesperson. ‘We have no plans to re-introduce halal in New Zealand.’ 

Well done, KFC…the Colonel would be proud.

Private businesses should not be mandated to serve certain foods if they don’t want to.

However, this is the agenda that certain groups (Cough! Liberals, Hairball Cough!) want to force down our throats.

Read how this affects you in 2020, The Year of Chaos (HERE).

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Muslims demand kfc

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