From Wikipedia:
Keynesian economics was developed by the British economist John Maynard Keynes during the 1930s in an attempt to understand the Great Depression. Keynes advocated for increased government expenditures and lower taxes to stimulate demand and pull the global economy out of the depression.
. Marx·ism
- the political and economic theories of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, later developed by their followers to form the basis for the theory and practice of communism.
Economic Chaos…the end result of the two failed economic policies mentioned above.
The boyz in the Wall Street “Club” love how so many people gravitate towards failed investment policies…It allows them to steal more from you with ease.
They continue to illustrate how their “Monetary Policy” is what’s best for America.
However, they (along with their DC partners-in-crime) never admit they’re wrong.
The most recent example is how the monetary policy of lowering interest rates has failed in the last ten years.
It didn’t work in the 1920s and has failed miserably with the QE (Quantitative Easing) policy of former Fed Reserve Chairman Benjamin Bernanke. (bless his heart)
It’s like sticking your finger in a power outlet and not understanding why you’re getting shocked…so you try it again.
If you’re wondering why these criminals can’t see the obvious, it’s because of their selfish needs. And until we reach economic chaos they’ll stay with the same policies.
As always, when the system collapses the “Club” members will be the first to say: “I’m Shocked, I tell you! Shocked! Who could have foreseen this happening?”
That’s when the DC boyz say: “It’s time we write more laws to keep this from happening again.” (which don’t solve the problems and actually make things worse).
Wash, Rinse, Repeat!
This Keynesian/Marxist monetary mindset is accelerating our slide down a very slippery slope.
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