Popcorn has long been a favorite snack for many of us while were being entertained. And if you watch the ongoing circus of the Lame Stream Media youre gonna need lots of popcorn just to keep up.
The entertainment value provided by todays presstitutes is almost beyond description.
Seriously, where do you start? Do you prefer Comedy (Russiagate), Drama (Elon Musk/Tesla), Sci-fi (Military Wars and Rumors of Wars), Gossip ( NY Attorney General Eric Schneiderman beating women during sex) Horror (Watching the Democrat party self-destruct), and thats just for starters.
Its almost as if weve become a nation of National Enquirer junkies.
Thats how the media looks at us, otherwise we wouldnt be subjected to so much entertainment value.
Meanwhile, the markets keep chugging right along despite all the gloom and doom porn addicts wanting it to crash. The boyz in the Club like it that way. It allows them to steal more money from the public by keeping you scared (Horror films) and confused (Gossip columns).
Theres a great parallel here.
During the Roman Empire decline (and eventual collapse) they kept their citizens fed and entertained with Bread and Circuses (read about it HERE). At the same time the desperate Roman government was collapsing under the weight of its own debt (mostly caused by their over extended Military expenses sound familiar).
The point is, you cant keep history from repeating because Human Nature Never Changes. However, you can learn how to separate yourself from the masses and connect the dots in order to see how to put the pieces of the global puzzle together. (HERE)
When you see the markets with a different set of eyes, youll have confidence, instead of fear, when investing. And you can eat all the popcorn you want.
Find out more (HERE).
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