To resurrect a quote from Nancy Reagan from the “War on Drugs,” you should Just Say No! to the ClotShot.
Ironically (or NOT) simply saying, “I don’t want to be injected with something I don’t trust,” should be enough to deflect the evil parasites trying to force you against your will.
But it’s not.
They insist on your compliance.
Even if it violates the Nuremburg Code. (See below)
Just Say NO
Although I was never a fan of The First Lady in Red, the simplicity of just saying NO makes more sense today than it did in the Reagan era.
Unfortunately, “The War on Drugs” suffered a similar fate to Lyndon Johnson’s “War on Poverty” from the 1960s.
Sad to say those two “Wars” opened the doors for more political corruption and profiteering from Wall Street’s Boyz in the “Club” and their bought-and-paid-for DC cronies.
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to see how drugs AND poverty in America have grown exponentially from these alleged wars.
And when you “Connect the Dots” you’ll see the main beneficiaries * all point to the Banksters AND Big Pharma.
(* The list of these criminal activities is waaayyyy too long to publish in an email…but you can read more about them HERE).
But, let’s get back to the real reason why you should Just Say NO to the clotshot.
Despite the fact that it totally violates the Nuremberg Code, it also allows the Globalists (Cough! Gates, Cough! Soros, Cough! Klaus Schwab, Rockefellers, Hairball Cough!) profiteering to accelerate.
And ironically (or NOT) immigrants flooding across our borders aren’t required to take the jab.
At this point I’m still trying to figure out why every Democrat – EVERY SINGLE ONE – voted against a mandate to vaccinate the immigrants crossing the border.
So, instead of trying to reason ANYONE who wants you to take the clotshot, Just Say NO.
And remind them they are in violation of the Nuremberg Code.
As a result, you accomplish two things:
- You won’t need to worry about dangerous side affects
- And you’ll be hitting the Big Pharma Boyz and the Banksters where it hurts most…their pockets
Learn how to equip yourself to prosper AND thrive in Turbulent Times (Here).
And share this with a friend…especially if they’re concerned about taking the jab.
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