Whenever the phrase JFK Assassination is mentioned, you immediately gravitate towards conspiracy theories.
Kennedy’s assassination was THE ORIGINAL CONSPIRACY THEORY.
And even though we’ve seen volumes of evidence that points to the Deep State doing the hit, 60+ years later we still hear how it’s a conspiracy theory.
Hopefully 60 years from now we won’t be hearing how the Maui fires was also a conspiracy theory involving man-made weather modifications using advanced weaponry.
Aka: Directed-Energy Weapon (DEW)
There is no doubt that DEWs exist.
Because the USAF is pretty open about their existence.
Simply said, the damage in Maui was not from any regular fire…and the photos in the link below prove it.
You may think it’s a stretch to compare the JFK assassination to the Maui fires/inferno but bear with us for a moment as we walk a tightrope across conspiracy theories.
JFK Assassination
The deep state shot the sitting President of the US in the middle of the street in broad day light.
Nothing was done.
Some years later they blew up the World Trade Center in broad daylight with 1000s dead.
Nothing was done.
So, when you put that in perspective, Brandon’s bribes and Hunters laptop isn’t going to raise the needle much.
Ironically (or NOT) killing a President is pretty small potatoes for (((the system))) aka: Deep State.
They’ve done it other times (Lincoln, before he could ship the freed slaves to Liberia; Garfield & McKinley before they could implement monetary reforms) in the USA and countless times overseas.
Maui Inferno
Have you noticed that except for the photos in the above link, the Presstitutes are not giving great coverage of the devastation in Maui.
No surprise here.
Question: “How does the shoreline burn to a crisp while sitting next to an endless supply of water?”
Meanwhile, the O’Biden handlers are handling the money for the clean-up…$12B in fed funds to Maui and $13B more for Ukraine.
And don’t forget 10% for the big guy.
BTW has anyone seen one actual local Hawaiian interviewed on national TV?
They all appear to be Malahini (newcomers) and Haoles (not a native…a white person).
Seems like somebody doesn’t want Hawaiian locals on live TV.
So, if you still wonder about the JFK assassination (and what it has to do with the Maui Inferno) be sure to read our Tin-Foil Times column in our August edition of “…In Plain English” (HERE).
You just might change your mind about conspiracy theories.
Share this with a friend…especially if they’ve ever been to Hawaii.
They’ll thank YOU later.
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Nothing to See Here…Just Another Naturally Occurring Perfect Ring of Fire on Maui
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