The January edition of “…In Plain English” newsletter is live and ready for your reading pleasure.
Here’s an excerpt:
Meanwhile, Big Pharma Boyz are laughing all the way to the bank.
For the last 20+ years they’ve made multi-billion-dollar fortunes getting and keeping Americans addicted to opiates/heroin…courtesy of Afghanistan.
But in the last three years they’ve shifted their focus AND profits to vaccines…courtesy of the CoronaHoax.
So, it became a smooth transition for the MIC to pull out of Afghanistan and focus their efforts on the building of factories to produce billions of invasive test kits for 2024. (Read about it in this month’s Tin-Foil Times article)
Are you Connecting the Dots yet?
And if you listen to all the noise/distractions the globalists puke in your face 24/7, it’s easy to see how so many people aren’t paying attention to the full-court-press to force the GREAT RESET on the world.
To read the entire newsletter go HERE.
And remember: We’re Not Just About Finance.
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