In the past we’ve often referred to Popcorn Time to highlight entertainment among the daily madness we’re seeing in the world.
Ironically (or NOT) the top entertainers politicians providing us with all of this popcorn time are totally shameless.
It’s almost as if it’s a coming out party for perversion, lying, treason, corruption, hatred, etc.
And most of the key players are clamoring for your attention using fear as their main component.
Why fear?
Because fear acts as one of the greatest distractions to keep the sheeple in line.
But fear is also a disease in itself.
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And it keeps you from knowing the truth.
Is Popcorn Time Necessary?
Using the phrase “Popcorn Time” is not necessarily making light of serious situations.
Well, maybe it is…kinda…sorta…
But we do believe that in order to maintain sanity in an insane world, you need to be able to step back from the obvious and gain perspective.
And we’ve found that our daily memes and Sunday Funnies is a great place to see the world with a different set of eyes (HERE).
And speaking of the Sunday Funnies, tomorrow’s edition is loaded with controversy – and mixed with silly humor – to the point that some people will be offended.
So, if you’re easily offended you may not want to read it.
But the point of all this is how we’re becoming so conditioned to fear that the vast majority of people are losing the battle for perspective.
The good news is there are still people like you (our valued readers) who can see past the fear being shoved in your face 24/7.
And you’re not about to cave into peer pressure from cretins like Klaus Schwab, Stinky Joe, Justin (Fidel) Trudeau, Bill Gates, George Soros, and the Great Reset/World Economic Forum crowd.
So, be sure to keep lots of popcorn on hand.
And remain vigilant in your beliefs because this show’s just getting started. (Read more HERE)
Share this with a friend…especially if they like popcorn time.
They’ll thank YOU later.
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We simply use finance to give you hope.
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