Flying under the radar last week the IMF denied connections to latest in central banks “digital currency” called the Universal Monetary Unit (UMU) AKA: UNICOIN.
However, the Digital Currency Monetary Authority’s (DCMA) original press release acknowledges that the IMF “has not officially endorsed Universal Monetary Unit.”
Rather, it says that the IMF has merely reviewed the project’s whitepaper and has not objected to certain project details.
Translation: We really want to push this UNICOIN through.
Because they know this is another nail in the coffin of paper money.
CBDC’s (Central Bank Digital Currencies) all play a part in the rise of the United Nations, World Bank, and IMF…all becoming this one world government.
And for anyone familiar with the Bible, a centrally controlled ‘digital currency’ steals a page/verse right out of the Book of Revelation.
“And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”
~Revelation 13:7~
Ironically (or NOT) these Boyz want you to believe that these new currencies will be liberating.
But…and this is a very Big Butt…
They can restrict its use.
UNICOIN is No Bitcoin
And anyone who thinks that Bitcoin will somehow be an independent white knight rushing in to save the day, has drunk waaaayyy too much of the Kool aid.
READ: Are Digital Currencies the Kiss of Death? May 6, 2022 (HERE).
Here’s the point about Bitcoin.
They can declare everyone mining cryptocurrency to be a bank.
What’s worse is the government can declare you to be anything.
Then you can fight them in court and you will lose and it will take years and cost you a fortune.
In the meantime, you will be forced to comply.
They can do ANYTHING they want.
And it then becomes your burden to argue that what they are doing is illegal.
Good luck with that.
Mark of the Beast or not, this entire digital currency madness is tied in with Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum’s GREAT RESET.
And as we’ve been saying for years, it’s all because governments around the world are broke.
As a result, they will default on their debt in order to seize control and track everything we do…especially when it comes to money.
Bottom line: They want their pound of flesh and they want absolutely everything to be restricted and monitored.
And this is the new version of totalitarianism via UNICOIN.
Share this with a friend…especially if they believe Bitcoin is a good place to invest money.
They’ll thank YOU later.
And learn how it will take a New Great Awakening to stop the Mark of the Beast (HERE).
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