Take a quick look around the world and you’ll see how Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset crowd is hard at work killing democracies.
And most recently the spotlight has been cast upon Justin Castro Trudeau…whose authoritarian rulings have caused him to become an international embarrassment.
Rightfully so.
His true colors are being revealed.
And his other leader’s public images are following suit.
It’s a classic case of the emperor has no clothes.
Cue up: President Nayib Bukele of El Salvador who openly criticized Canada’s actions toward the Freedom Convoy and declared that Trudeau has lost all credibility.
El Salvador? (Read: Bitcoin Backed Bonds Beats Banksters HERE)
Where’s my map?
“Are these the people who like to give lessons to other countries about democracy and freedom?
This is one of the top-ranking countries in the ‘democracy index’? Your credibility on these topics is now worth 0,” Bukele tweeted.
Ironically (or NOT) Bukele has also been widely opposed to vaccine mandates and has gone as far as to claim the Ukraine crisis is a mere distraction from the mandate opposition.
“The real war is not in Ukraine, it’s in Canada, Australia, France, Brussels, England, Germany, Italy… They just want you to look the other way,”
Bukele tweeted on February 13.
Where have you heard that before?
More Than Just Killing Democracies
Bukele also went after Canadian Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland where she tried to justify invoking martial law by classifying the protestors as terrorists.
Isn’t it odd that a small country like El Salvador is pointing out how Canada is now claiming that freezing the accounts of protestors is a push for anti-terrorist money-laundering prevention instead of the truth?
Why aren’t the Journalists talking about this?
Oh, Wait!
They’re busy pushing toward Schwab’s Great Reset.
Even the United States is no longer considered a “Full Democracy.”
According to The Economist annual survey of 167 nations – ranking them based on their “Democratic Freedom” – the USA ranked 26th and was listed as a “restricted democracy.”
It’s not all Stinky Joe’s fault.
But suffice it to say his first year as president has given new meaning to the term “restricted democracy.”
And it will become more restrictive as long as we allow the cretins in DC to push Schwab’s Great Reset agenda.
Sad to say that – for the most part – Full Democracies are extinct.
But the good news is we’re seeing more pushback against this tyrannical agenda in the form of what we call The Great Resistance.
See how it will work for you – especially when the markets run amuck – in our “…In Plain English” newsletter (HERE).
And share this with a friend…even if they don’t know where El Salvador is.
They’ll thank YOU later.
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