Damascus, Syria was defeated without a fight and Syria collapsed overnight. And this begs the question, “Is Syria the Next Ukraine?”
WARNING: You probably need to put on your Tin-Foil Hat if you continue reading this post.
Here’s what we know so far:
Syria fell in less than 48 hours without a fight or intervention from Russia, China, and Iran.
So, does anyone but us find it odd that none of the usual defenders came to her aid?
And where were the insurgent rebels who usually make an appearance, like: Hezbollah, Hamas, or the Houthis?
One would think they would be on the front lines screaming to kill the infidels to protect their “Natural Resources” (Cough! Oil and Gas Pipelines, Cough! Cough!).
Nope, sorry.
This one does not pass the smell test.
In fact, it stinks…royally.
As a result, we tend to believe the reason Syria fell (overnight) and that no one showed up to defend them was because of some backroom deal that was cut in advance.
Otherwise, why would Israeli warplanes have been conducting major airstrikes against facilities across Syria, just 48 hours after the Assad government’s fall?
It appears Israel is preemptively taking out all military technology and heavy weaponry before anyone else can access it.
Translation: Destroy it before the rebels steal it.
An Israeli broadcast correspondent from Kann writes:
“An Israeli source tells me: Israel’s goal is to destroy everything from Assad’s army that could fall into the hands of the rebels – from tanks to missiles. We are destroying the equipment of the Assad army.”
Ironically (or NOT) our Saturday rant (by HolyRollingRob HRR) said the exact same thing…prophetically and scripturally referring to Damascus as a “ruinous heap.”
READ: Saturday Rant… While No One’s Watching (HERE).
The Next Ukraine?
This war will not be the next Ukraine in the sense that it is not a proxy war between the USA and Russia.
But…and this is a Very VERY Big Butt…
All the players (in the forefront AND background) are the same.
As a result, Syria is going to descend into chaos and violence.
This is terrible news for the Middle East and for the people of Syria who will suffer greatly.
And no one will say a word over the slaughter of countless Christians.
Assad was a saint compared to the terrorists who now occupy control of that government.
See how this is another piece of the Global rearrangement puzzle in our upcoming issue of “…In Plain English” (HERE).
Share this with a friend…especially if they are clueless over what Syria represents in the grand scheme of things. They’ll thank YOU later.
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