Please note: in order to avoid the evil “fact checking” algorithms we’re using the “R” word as a substitute for racist/racism.
And it’s truly pathetic that today’s “fact checking” has become Big-Tech’s modern-day version of the East German Stasi tactics used in the 1930s and 1940s.
But, let’s not go there…yet.
Instead, let’s look at stupidity on steroids by the liberals trying to convince (themselves) anyone that racism won in the Virginia election last week.
How dumb can you get and still breathe?
Claiming racism won is not only a sign of desperation, it’s reflective of today’s WOKE cultures perversion of thought.
Ironically (or NOT) they thrive on it.
And essentially these woke racists have thrived on scare tactics, shaming, and canceling to force their anti-white propaganda.
Up until now it’s been working.
But people – as evidenced in Virginia – are starting to stand up to them and see them for who they really are…Anti-American white hating bigots.
They have pushed too hard and too fast.
And now their BS is backfiring on them.
Using the “R” Word
It may not seem obvious but pitting brother against brother via the “R” word is impacting the global stock and bond markets.
You see, the 1% needs the 99% to be wrong in order for them to make fortunes…at YOUR expense.
And calling everyone and everything racist enables these clowns to further their nefarious agenda of taking over the world.
All we can say is “Thank God” for the free markets.
They tell the true story.
And they will eventually pave the way for some of the greatest opportunities of your lifetime.
Discover how to recognize these opportunities AND how to take advantage of them in our “…In Plain English” newsletter (HERE).
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So, what are you waiting for?
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