March 2025
March 6, 2025

Financials Matter

"It's Not Just About Finance"

Is Ignoring the Bible Racist?

In the crazy Woke world we’re living in you could make a case that ignoring the Bible is racist.

Wait, What?

It’s simple…really.

The Bible has influenced the world infinitely more than any other book throughout history.

To ignore it would be pure prejudice.

But most people would call you a nut case/religious freak if you even brought it up.

And these are the same people that believe the philosophy from Banksters on Wall Street that tells you “Greed is Good.”

Why Ignoring the Bible is Racist

Ironically (of NOT) a truly honest person seeking to know the truth would have to consider the Bible.

But, again, that doesn’t fit with the prevailing financial philosophy that tells you to “Get all you can, Can all you get, and Sit on your can.”

And when you look at the world’s philosophies, they include…but are not limited to:

  1. Humanism
  2. Evolution
  3. Relativism
  4. Prejudice
  5. Discrimination
  6. Optimism
  7. Pessimism
  8. Psychology


And corporate America has adopted many of these philosophies to prove how they’ve jumped on “Woke” bandwagon.

But…and this is a really Big Butt… In order to avoid financial – and other worldly traps – we need to be on guard against the “philosophy” or mindset of this world.

Don’t be fooled by this.

Because at first, this seems comforting.


It rids us of personal guilt and responsibility for our actions.

But it also robs us of our God-given authority.

So, if others are our problem (blaming banksters for your losses) we are doomed to be victims for the rest of our lives.

And to prove a point about the nefarious agenda of the Great Reset, just look at how they want everyone to be dependent on government.


People with a welfare philosophy will never prosper regardless of what they do.

Communist philosophy keeps people from being free.

So, in order to survive what the Globalists have already started with their Great Reset you should:


  1. Follow the Money
  2. Stay away from experimental DNA altering drugs
  3. Don’t ignore the truths in the Bible
  4. Know that those who ignore what the Bible teaches are the real prejudice ones
  5. Learn how to prosper AND thrive in Turbulent Times.


And you can do that (HERE).

We’re Not Just About Finance





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