When you take look at trading levels in precious metals, it’s becoming obvious that faith in paper markets is fading.
And it’s fading fast.
Example: Gold trading by LBMA banks and futures (paper) exchanges amounts to $180 billion per day.
This is a staggering 350X the daily gold mine production.
Meanwhile, COMEX physical gold deliveries consistently average 3x-4x pre-CoronaHoax levels.
Maybe it’s because gold has been valued for millennia for its intrinsic beauty and deep association with anything of value.
Or maybe the Banksters know there’s not enough physical gold available to meet the demand.
So, they use the paper market as an alternative.
Or maybe, JUST MAYBE, the collapse of confidence in governments – on a global scale – is forcing the Boyz to show their hand.
And they are buying more gold, silver, copper, etc.
Paper Markets Fading?
The bottom line is – as we’ve been saying – we’re in the early stages of a commodities Super-Cycle.
And gold – which promises to soar whether we succeed or not in transitioning to “green energies” – needs to be part of your portfolio.
The question is; “How much should you own?”
Be sure to read (“GOLD, If You Don’t Hold it, You Don’t Own It” HERE)
The rise of commodities creates even more desperation in the U.S. and parts of the West.
Meanwhile, China’s digital yuan is bringing gold closer to center stage.
Desperation – combined with pre-designed renewed CoronaFraud “Delta Variant” scares – will create volatility that also creates opportunity for those with “ears to hear.”
Consider the following:
- An electric grid that accommodates renewable energies will be just one of many sources of increasing copper demand.
- Electronic Vehicles are another.
- EVs require massive amounts of copper…many times that of gasoline powered cars.
- Internal combustion engines (ICEs) are powered by chemical reactions.
- EVs are powered by electrical transmission, which requires a great deal of copper wiring.
- And Copper’s most important role in EVs is in storing electricity, i.e., the battery.
- Bloomberg estimates that the demand for copper in lithium-ion batteries will climb from 2 million metric tons in 2020 to 14 million metric tons in 2030, about 70% of 2020 copper production.
So, what does all this mean?
Beware of Faith in Paper Markets
Two points:
- Big Money is buying hard assets/commodities.
- Faith in Paper assets is fading.
Be sure to read our “Short and Sweet Tips” column in the July edition of “…In Plain English” to see what companies will benefit most (HERE).
And share this with a friend…especially if they like precious metals or copper.
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