The Globalists goal of achieving zero emissions is impacting Canada to the point where they risk being the next Sri Lanka.
Canada’s Prime Minister Justin (Castro) * Trudeau is proposing to reduce fertilizer by 30% while food scarcity is on the rise.
(* Note: It is rumored that Justin Trudeau is the bastard son of Fidel Castro. Ironically (or NOT) even Wikipedia makes no mention of his parents)
By making it harder to farm, reducing fertilizer by 30% is like adding gasoline to the rapidly depleting food supply inferno.
And yet, morons like Trudeau somehow can’t figure this out.
It’s almost as if this is being done on purpose.
Read: Everyone talks about the weather… June 21, 2022
Cue up: Cricket factories and why you should eat bugs.
The Next Sri Lanka?
You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to see how Sri Lanka’s government imploded recently and is currently in ruins.
How did this happen?
In order to “save the environment” Sri Lanka’s government promised to transition to Organic Farming.
And in the process, they banned the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides forcing 2 million farmers to switch to organic farming.
As a result, their plan failed causing over 86% of the population of Sri Lanka to now become food insecure.
This only confirms what we’ve been saying for a long time.
And it comes down to one simple fact.
When the people are hungry, no number of rules and restrictions will prevent them from protesting.
Read: Sri Lanka Default and Complete Collapse… July 13, 2022
And what’s crazy is, thanks to the Canadian Castro, Canada can’t seem to understand that banning or reducing fertilizer leads to less food.
Which begs the question of this post?
Is Canada the next Sri Lanka?
Time will tell.
In the meantime, learn how the actions of these Globalist morons create opportunities of a lifetime for those with ears to hear.
And learn why the Commodities Super Cycle is where you should be investing (HERE).
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They’ll thank YOU later.
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