When you look at things from a Globalist perspective, you’ll see how Biden is the Perfect President.
The Triumvirate Trio of Gates, Schwab, and Soros couldn’t possibly get away with poisoning/sterilizing the world – population control – without direct help from the DEEP STATE.
Think about it.
No president in history has ever written/enacted 63 EXECUTIVE ORDERS in his first 100 days.
And with the exception of his remarks about little girls looking like they’re 19 years old, it’s hard to believe he’s done anything besides sleep in the White House.
And when has any president ever threatened the nation by giving them an ultimatum over a vaccine?
When you toss in tons of illogical, unethical and tyrannical actions it’s obvious that one dementia patient couldn’t possibly do this much damage.
And about that safe “Vaccine” data, check out what’s on the FDA.gov website:
The Perfect President
This desperate push to have everyone vaccinated is, in a word, Diabolical.
And it totally violates every principle of a free government.
So, from the Globalist/United Nations/Great Reset viewpoint, Biden is the perfect president to complete their nefarious agenda.
He simply goes along with their script.
And, most likely, not even aware of it.
But – and this is a REAL BIG BUT (no pun intended) – these cretins will ultimately fail.
They won’t be able to convince China or Russia to join the party.
Again, why?
Both China and Russia have been there, done that, and paid a huge price.
Why else do you think that whenever something like a vicious malware/cyber-attack happens – like the recent one on JBS the largest meat producer in America – the presstitutes blame Russia?
Starting a War
The sad reality is they want to start a war with Russia and/or China.
Big Mistake…HUGE!
But the good news is we’re seeing – what we believe – the Third and biggest Great Awakening in America.
(Read Is the Great Reset the Catalyst for the Next “Great Awakening?” in our April 2021 newsletter (HERE).
Consider the following:
- History shows you that the First Great Awakening in America prepared us for the Revolutionary War.
- The Second Great Awakening prepared us for the Civil War.
“Connect the Dots” here and you’ll also see where we’re headed.
And learn how to prosper AND thrive in Turbulent Times (HERE).
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