The foundation of has always been about exposing corruption and how Wall Street operates “behind the curtain.” And for many years it seems as if most people have been ignoring the corruption.
Not anymore.
And thanks to DOGE it is becoming almost impossible for anyone to ignore the corruption that has recently been exposed in our government.
And we find it particularly interesting how the hypocrite Presstitutes are crying over their lack of real journalism has also exposed their ignoring the corruption that they, collectively, make up the majority.
Their response is a classic Saul Alinsky example of hypocrisy by blaming Elon Musk of corruption.
Ironically (or NOT) loudmouth Maxine Waters * is looking for support in her effort to derail Trump’s efforts to expose the widespread perversion of taxpayers’ trust and treasure.
(*Note this is the same Waters that had her daughter on her payroll, making $200,000 illegally. Maxine and her ethics violations are many. It’s like a scene from Shakespeare’s Hamlet: “The lady doth protest too much methinks.”)
Ironically (or NOT) Waters and her minions were recently shut out of a government facility where she tried to intimidate a security guard who would not flinch while “ignoring her corruption.”
Ignoring Corruption on Steroids
It is kind of fun watching those who scream the loudest about how they will do whatever it takes to stop Trump from exposing their theft and misuse of taxpayer’s money.
And in the process, not only do they make fools of themselves but they also reveal their own guilt.
That’s when you know you’ve struck a nerve and should expect an all-out blitzkrieg.
Call it poetic justice but the great resistance to DOGE exposing the theft of hundreds of billions of our tax dollars is directly shining on the alleged “party of transparency.”
And if you are not enjoying this (or can’t believe what you are witnessing) then you are either very naïve or have had your head buried in the sand for the last few decades.
Because groups like USAID have not only abused the American public but also committed treason in the process.
The good news is, this is just the beginning of the process of Making America Great Again.
And in the process, it will be interesting to see how the crack-addict recipients of USAID money respond to their gravy train being derailed.
Ultimately this will be an opportunity to listen how the markets respond to the multiple billions of monies returning to our economy.
And learn how to hear what the markets are saying in our upcoming February edition of “Simplifying Wall Street…In Plain English” (HERE).
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