Once again, the Presstitutes hyped hurricane Idalia as possibly one of the worst storms of the century…but it ended up as another nothing burger.
Yes, there was damage done with a storm surge and flooding in several cities, but that’s what happens when hurricanes hit populated areas.
In fact, it’s been that way for hundreds of years.
Because it’s hurricane season.
Hashtag #Duuuhhhh!
Unfortunately, this is a by-product of the Climate Change/ Great Reset Zealots whose sole purpose is to scare you spitless over natural occurring weather events.
And if you ask the vast majority of Floridians about these storms, they’ll usually respond with something like: “Well, that’s what happens in the summer in Florida.”
And they’re not prone to panic.
But if there is anything to panic over it should be how the Climate Change Zealots are relentless in their pursuit of keeping you in a Constant State of Agitation over the weather.
Their agenda is simple.
They use fear of climate change (remember when it used to be called “Global Warming?”) to gain more control over the sheeple.
And they want you to believe that all the “problems” we are facing can be solved with more taxes.
Another Nothing Burger
Ironically (or NOT) history shows that these fools have NEVER been able to control the climate.
And that every natural disaster we see will be responsible for the death of millions
But that’s unless we cough up billions to them so they can fix the planet.
Sad to say that most of that money goes into their pockets either directly or through some special interest group assigned by the District of Caligula to address the problem.
At FinancialsMatter, we’ve had it up to HERE (holding my hand above the top of my head) with all the Climate Change nonsense.
And the fact that these Boyz continue to shove it in our faces 24/7 is almost as egregious as how our elections have been rigged and they’ve gotten away with it.
So, the next time you hear of “Record Breaking Heat Wave Temperatures” try doing some of your own fact checking.
When you do, you’ll find out they are lying.
At the same time, you might want to check out owning utility stocks that are selling at a huge discount to their historical average.
Learn more about that in our September “…In Plain English” newsletter (HERE).
And remember, you only have a few more days left to take advantage of our 50% off sale of our newsletter (HERE).
Enter the code 8v32 at the checkout for 50% off (HERE).
Share this with a friend…especially if they panic when they hear how hot it is in Texas or Death Valley…see meme below.
They’ll thank YOU later.
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