Many people argue that we’re on the verge of WWIII via the proxy war with Ukraine. But we believe WWIII was unofficially declared when the CoronaHoax began over two years ago.
Back then, the Boyz in the “Club” set the stage for today’s problems by shutting down the world economy.
As a result, we’re now seeing:
- Food Shortages
- Increasing Supply Chain Disruptions
- Runaway Inflation
- Gouging Gasoline Prices
- More Political Corruption
- Pathetic Leadership
- No End in Sight to All the Above
And most of the liberal pathological liars in DC still try to blame all of our problems on Trump or Putin.
The key word behind the driving force of WWIII is FEAR.
WWIII Unofficially Declared
And along with the CoronaHoax came the massive indoctrination of fear for the sheeple.
Ironically (or NOT) 99% of what we were told to fear failed to take place.
Chalk up another victory for the Conspiracy Theorists.
However, WWIII is on the threshold of reality mostly because of the stupidity of sanctions…that NEVER WORK.
But the same people who shut down the global economy over the CoronaHoax are the ones now telling you to expect food shortages, supply chain problems, inflation, etc.
Why are they doing this?
- Because they’re evil
- They need to stoke the fires of hatred in order to make people believe in the need for war.
- It’s their last desperate effort to point the finger to someone other than themselves for the problems we face.
On March 21, 2020 we wrote:
You’re doing EXACTLY what they want you to do…and without knowing it, your fear renders you powerless to the next panic, and the next one and the next one.
Yes, it’s a scary world out there and now, MORE THAN EVER, you need to have courage.
Let me remind you that COURAGE isn’t the absence of fear…it’s the REFUSAL to give into it.
From a Holy Rolling standpoint (and it’s a good one): Fear activates the power of the devil similarly to the way FAITH releases the power of God.
Which one do you choose?
If you feel as if your world has been turned upside down, then it’s up to YOU to turn it right-side up.
At Financial$Matter we’re Not Just About Finance.
We simply use finance to give you hope.
So, Remember:
- The world isn’t coming to an end.
- The markets will recover.
- Prosperity is available for those with “Ears to Hear.”
- God’s supply is ALWAYS greater than the task at hand.
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They’ll thank YOU later.
And learn more about how to prosper AND thrive in Turbulent Times (HERE).
We’re Not Just About Finance.
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