Back in February we wrote how it was becoming obvious that Ukraine was being sold to Blackrock.
And that their “Infrastructure Fund” would be a disaster – courtesy of JP Morgan and Blackrock – and that you should stay far from it.
READ: Ukraine Infrastructure Fund February 20, 2023 (HERE)
And now, the British press is admitting that Ukraine is a disaster and the WSJ also just came out and said the United States knew Ukraine was not up to this offensive.
On July 23rd the Wall Street Journal wrote:
“Western military officials knew Kyiv didn’t have all the training or weapons—from shells to warplanes—that it needed to dislodge Russian forces. But they hoped Ukrainian courage and resourcefulness would carry the day.”
And the fact that this even appeared in the press shows that there is discontent behind the curtain.
The rumor mill is buzzing about how a peace deal must be struck or Ukraine will collapse.
And that’s assuming their own troops do not rise up and assassinate Zelensky for his profiteering and slaughter of his own people.
Prior to the war the population of Ukraine was about 36 million.
But since then, at least 500,000 are now dead. And the real number of Ukrainians who have fled their home is estimated to exceed 10 million.
And speaking of being sold out, the media refuses to recognize how Zelensky has destroyed his country all for the Donbas…which was never Ukrainian territory nor occupied by Ukrainians.
As we’ve been saying for years, the mainstream media was supposed to protect our liberty – not sell it to the highest bidder.
Cue up Blackrock…
Sold to Blackrock
For 30 pieces of silver, Ukraine was sold to Blackrock by Zelensky.
Zelensky’s 30 Pieces of Silver
Here’s an excerpt from our July newsletter:
On the surface, the Banksters (Blackrock, JP Morgan, etc.) present their Reconstruction Bank as a noble endeavor.
But…and this is a really Big Butt…
They don’t give a flip about Ukraine…nor about the millions who will die from this senseless war.
You see, the Banksters have been instrumental in funding this and every other war for the last few centuries.
BlackRock and JPMorgan partnered with the Ukrainian government to “establish a reconstruction bank that will serve as a conduit for public seed capital to fund rebuilding projects.”
They are aiming to steer “public steer capital,” government grants that do not require repayment, to their fund as well. This money comes from private taxes.
The corruption goes extremely deep and will affect the global economy forever.
Read more from the newsletter (HERE).
And share this with a friend…even if they’ve never heard of Blackrock.
They’ll thank YOU later.
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