This one’s for all you coffee and/or “Latte Junkies” out there.
You know who you are.
Tell the truth.
You love to indulge yourself with that special blend of coffee with steamed milk. Or perhaps you prefer cappuccino, double espresso, caramel macchiato, or any other exotic blend of coffee. Whatever it is, you think nothing about paying $5.00 or more per cup.
It is…after all…worth it.
Okay. By now you’re probably wondering, “what’s this have to do with investing?”
Stay with me…
I have a dear friend (Kathy, a newbie to the investment world) who always wants to talk about the markets. She loves to visit her local coffee shop (with her laptop) and drink lattes while researching companies to invest in. It’s part of her routine.
Kathy admits to being intimidated at times by all the information/advice that’s out there.
She’ll ask me, “How do you know what’s real and what’s BS?”
My typical response is, 98-99% is BS.
Like many of you, her response is; “Huh?”
Then I point out that the financial industry tracks and surveys the majority of advice the big investment houses publish. Their numbers show that 99% of the investment advice published doesn’t get read.
So, what does that tell you?
There’s a lot of BS floating around out there, folks.
And like I told Kathy, you need to know how to filter through the hype put out by Wall Street.
And, for the price of a couple of lattes, you can get an authentic inside look at how the investment world operates.
More importantly, those two lattes can not only make you a fortune, they can keep you from losing a fortune when the markets get scary.
Try our special blend (HERE).
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