Allow me to start this column about avoiding Wall Street/Bankster traps with a statement that will set the tone for what you are about to read.
You’ve probably heard it before but maybe not in the context of how we apply it to investing.
It’s going to help you see things with a “new set of eyes.”
OK, here it is… “The Passions of Man Never Change.”
Simple enough?
And this statement is especially true in the investment world.
Fear, greed and lust for wealth and power have been around since the origins of man.
Only the players have changed.
With that in mind we’re going to show you how everything moves in cycles…Everything.
And if you want to understand how cycles work you must study the past.
This helps you “Connect the Dots” in the global puzzle we live in.
Once you understand how to connect the dots, the difference can be staggering.
My colleagues and I created, and specifically our “…In Plain English” newsletter to address many of the unanswered questions the public has about Wall Street. (Most of which gets swept under the rug).
And by doing so we’re burning our bridges with the financial industry.
They (the elite “Club” operating behind the scenes) would prefer we keep quiet about what we know.
And for that reason, we prefer to “fly under the radar.”
Avoiding Wall Street/Bankster Traps
However, we believe you deserve to know the truth about how the system really works…and our goal is to explain it to you “…In Plain English” (HERE).
Every society in history has always had “kooks, weirdos, whackos (insert your favorite label)” or people many considered “different.”
And we’ve all known, seen, or heard characters like this before.
But have you ever looked back and thought, “That one strange fellow was actually right when he ranted about…”
Well, we don’t consider ourselves weirdos (although we can be a bit kooky at times). But we do believe you’ll profit immensely from our real life/wacky experiences on Wall Street.
So, in learning How to Thrive in 2025, let the games begin.
And start Connecting the Dots by going (HERE).
Share this with a friend…especially if they are a bit on the kooky side. They’ll thank YOU later.
And thanks for joining us on this Wacky Journey.
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But we use finance to give you hope.
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