We know that Gates was on the flight log of the Lolita Express to Epstein’s island. But what we really want to know is how friendly was Bill Gates with Epstein?
For the time being, we’re hearing about the “womanizing” side of Bill Gates (LOL) and how it’s affecting his divorce and the stock price of Microsoft.
But, it’s only a matter of time before we’ll see more pictures and evidence of Bill Gates dealings with Jeffery Epstein.
What’s emerging is that Gates met with Epstein many times. And it wasn’t just because he was going to give Epstein $30 million to manage.
The fact that Epstein’s “little black book” was filled with famous people – including high profile politicians – was a major reason why he mysteriously allegedly committed suicide.
But it makes you think that there was something more calculated here than providing sex with under-age girls.
How Friendly with Epstein?
Maybe Gates hung out with Epstein to have sex with little girls.
Or Maybe, Epstein was advising Gates about how to dump Melinda – who objected to ANY association with Epstein.
Or Maybe, JUST MAYBE Gates was helping Epstein put people in a compromised position – as a blackmail play – so he could force his influence agenda upon the world.
Which, so far, seems to be working.
Just look at WHO he’s influenced.
Unfortunately, dead men don’t talk.
But what may emerge from this is how Gates’ involvement was not for sex – but for power.
Gates has always been a cunning creepy kind of guy.
And his ideas of changing the world – reducing the population by at least 10%, sterilization of women, Eugenics, etc. – are finally raising eyebrows and causing people to say WTF!
Go ahead and fact check the above…Especially the part about Eugenics and Bill Gates Sr.
All we’ll say about that is “Like Father, Like Son.”
Maybe then you’ll understand when we say that Bill Gates is one of the most dangerous men on the planet.
How friendly was Bill Gates?
The good news is we’ve also said how Globalists like Gates, Klaus Schwab, and George Soros will ultimately fail in their effort to take over the world.
The boyz are getting desperate in their failed effort to force everyone to take experimental vaccinations.
And they’ll put on a full court press in the near future.
Don’t take the bait.
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